Kristy Frakes, Evan Styduhar, Chii-Lien Sun

Analysis of two polyphenolic compounds, Catechin and Chlorogenic Acid, found in red delicious applies was accomplished via HPLC. Standard dilutions of the compounds were analyzed and employed in order to create calibration curves, which produced equations of y = 2.43E+5X-1.45E+4 and Y=2.43E+5X-1.45E+4 for Chlorogenic Acid and Catechin, respectively. Samples of organic and non-organic Red Delicious applies were then analyzed, and polyphenolic content was matched with the respective calibration curve, producing the total polyphenolic content found in each variation of the apple. Total polyphenolic content of the organic and non-organic Red Delicious apples was found to be 152.4 and 113.8 ug/g fresh weight, respectively. Due to the small difference in concentration the hypothesis of the organic variation of Red Delicious apples containing more polyphenolic content remains inconclusive.