Determination of Myricetin & Benzoic Acid in Cranberries


Special Project Fall, CH 461, 2004

Jessica McElravy

Jeffrey Torgerson

Amber Taylor



          In this experiment, HPLC was used to determine the concentration of Benzoic Acid and Myricetin in various cranberry products. The products that were analyzed included fresh cranberries, 100% cranberry juice, 27% cranberry juice cocktail and a cranberry supplement pill. Reverse-phase separation along a C18 column with absorption detection at 254 nm was used to resolve the peaks of the 2 compounds.

          Benzoic acid standards of 25 mg/L and 50 mg/L along with the origin were used to create a 2nd order polynomial calibration curve. Myricetin standards with concentration from 1 mg/L to 10 mg/L were used to define a linear regression line. The best source for myricetin from samples analyzed was 12.2 mg/L from the 100% juice, where the best source of benzoic acid was 5.5 mg/L from fresh crushed berries.


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