Some Specific Guidelines for the Sunscreen Analysis lab report:

1)  You will need to include all sections in this report (although, as always, you may simply reference the lab manual rather than write out the entire procedure if you followed exactly the instructions in the manual).  See the CH 221 Lab Manual for the list of sections that are required in a lab report.

2)  In the Theory section you will need to discuss UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation (be sure to define these terms)  You should also discuss Beer's Law: what does it mean,  how does its formula dictate the type of graph you made (i.e why did you plot concentration vs absorbance), etc..

3)  Present your data in table form whenever possible.  Your goal is to make it clear to the reader what data you have collected.  I am purposely being a bit vague here because I want you to think about what needs to be reported to the reader and how best to do it.  In the calculations section also your goal is to make it clear to the reader what you have done and why.  This will probably require some narrative in addition to strings of calculations.

4)  Be sure to include your Beer's Law plot and the 4 UV spectra of different sunscreens in the Results section.

5)  In the Conclusion section be sure to include not only your results but also the compilation of the class results.