The Geometry of Vector Calculus toc:math 2020-01-26T14:51:00-08:00 The Geometry of Vector Calculus text/html 2013-10-20T13:14:00-08:00 toc:math:ch1 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors (ss)Vectors(ss)The Dot Product(ss)The Law of Cosines(ss)Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Activity: Curvilinear Basis Vectors(ss)Wrap-Up: Curvilinear Basis Vectors(ss)The Vector Differential(ss)Other Coordinate Systems(ss)Activity: Determining $d\rr$ in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates(ss)Wrap-Up: Coordinate Expressions for $d\rr$ Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals text/html 2013-10-20T13:14:00-08:00 toc:math:ch2 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals (ss)Review of Single Variable Integration(ss)Surfaces(ss)Level Sets(ss)Double Integrals(ss)Order of Integration(ss)Triple Integrals(ss)Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Center of Mass Chapter 3: Vector Integrals text/html 2013-10-20T13:13:00-08:00 toc:math:ch3 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals (ss)Densities(ss)Integration(ss)Line Integrals(ss)Vector Line Integrals(ss)Use What You Know(ss)Surfaces(ss)The Cross Product(ss)Surface Elements(ss)Activity: Surface Elements on Planes, Cylinders and Spheres(ss)Wrapup: Surface Elements on Planes, Cylinders, and Spheres(ss)Flux(ss)Highly Symmetric Surfaces(ss)Less Symmetric Surfaces(ss)Spheres in Cylindrical Coordinates(ss)Par… text/html 2013-10-20T13:23:00-08:00 toc:math:ch4 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives (ss)The Multivariable Differential(ss)Chain Rule(ss)Chain Rule via Tree Diagrams(ss)Optimization(ss)Applications of Chain Rule(ss)Rearranging Differentials(ss)Change of Variables Chapter 5: Gradient text/html 2013-10-20T13:20:00-08:00 toc:math:ch5 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives Chapter 5: Gradient (ss)Gradient(ss)Properties of the Gradient(ss)Directional Derivatives(ss) The Gradient in Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Independence of Path(ss)Conservative Vector Fields(ss)Finding Potential Functions(ss) Visualizing Conservative Vector Fields(ss)Lagrange Multipliers(ss)Lagrange Multipliers using Differentials Chapter 6: Othe… text/html 2013-10-20T13:17:00-08:00 toc:math:ch6 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives Chapter 5: Gradient Chapter 6: Other Vector Derivatives (ss)Divergence(ss)The Divergence Theorem(ss) The Divergence in Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Curl(ss)Stokes' Theorem(ss)Visualizing Divergence and Curl(ss)Product Rules(ss)Integration by parts(ss)Second derivatives(ss)The Laplacian Chapter 7: Power Series text/html 2013-10-20T13:11:00-08:00 toc:math:ch7 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives Chapter 5: Gradient Chapter 6: Other Vector Derivatives Chapter 7: Power Series (ss)Power Series(ss)Activity: Finding Power Series Coefficients(ss)Wrap-Up: Finding Power Series Coefficients(ss)Dimensions in Power Series(ss)Getting Started with Maple(ss)Activity: Using Technology to Visualize Power Series Approximations (ss)Wrap-Up: Usi… text/html 2013-10-20T13:11:00-08:00 toc:math:ch8 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives Chapter 5: Gradient Chapter 6: Other Vector Derivatives Chapter 7: Power Series Chapter 8: Delta Functions (ss)Step Functions(ss)The Dirac Delta Function(ss)Exercise: Delta Functions 1(ss)Properties of the Dirac Delta Function(ss)Exercise: Delta Functions 2(ss)Representations of the Dirac Delta Function(ss)The Dirac Delta Function in Three Dimen… text/html 2016-08-04T09:31:00-08:00 toc:math:diff Differentiation (ss)Review of Single Variable Differentiation(ss)Thick Derivatives(ss) Using Differentials to Compute Derivatives(ss)The Multivariable Differential(ss)Chain Rule(ss)Chain Rule via Tree Diagrams(ss)Chain Rule via Differential Tree Diagrams(ss)Optimization(ss)Second Derivative Test(ss)Curvature and the Second Derivative Test(ss)Applications of Chain Rule(ss)Rearranging Differentials(ss)Examples from Thermodynamics(ss)Things not to do with Differentials(ss)Change of Variables text/html 2013-10-20T12:43:00-08:00 toc:math:integration Integration (ss) Using Differentials to Compute Derivatives(ss)Densities(ss)Single Integrals(ss)Double Integrals(ss)Order of Integration(ss)Triple Integrals(ss)Polar Coordinates(ss) Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates(ss) Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates(ss)Calculating Infinitesimal Distance in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates(ss)Infinitesimal Distance in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates(ss) Activity: Scalar Surface and Volume Elements(ss) Wrapup: Scalar Surface an… text/html 2013-10-27T13:36:00-08:00 toc:math:math Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Multiple Integrals Chapter 3: Vector Integrals Chapter 4: Partial Derivatives Chapter 5: Gradient Chapter 6: Other Vector Derivatives Chapter 7: Power Series Chapter 8: Delta Functions text/html 2016-04-21T10:49:00-08:00 toc:math:new Math Book: Sections Under Development Arc Length, Curvature, AccelerationLagrange MultipliersChange of VariablesIntegration SummaryReview of Multiple IntegrationOptimizationSecond Derivative TestCurvature and the Second Derivative TestNotationFluxApplications of Chain RuleLagrange Multipliers using DifferentialsChain Rule via Tree DiagramsChain Rule via Differential Tree DiagramsRearranging DifferentialsExamples from ThermodynamicsThings not to do with DifferentialsOrthogonalityVector FieldsLine…