The Geometry of Vector Calculus talk:book:math 2020-01-26T15:15:54-08:00 The Geometry of Vector Calculus text/html 2016-08-13T09:36:33-08:00 talk:book:math:coords2 text/html 2012-04-03T13:23:56-08:00 talk:book:math:gradientcurvilinear text/html 2012-02-19T16:35:18-08:00 talk:book:math:law Figure 2 shows a triangle of three vector arrows with angle theta at bottom left. But there are NO labels for A, B, C visible to me. text/html 2015-02-27T20:10:08-08:00 talk:book:math:partial Why is the word “both” in the third line? I think it would be helpful to have a “next page” button or link to related activities. Responses by TD: “both” looks like a typo, now fixed; thanks! As for the “next page” button, we're working on it, but most likely will wait and implement that feature along with a significant redesign of our interface, which is in the planning stage (and therefore likely still a ways in the future). text/html 2011-10-13T16:33:08-08:00 talk:book:math:stokes Check that off the list of things I was confused about. text/html 2014-08-01T20:00:55-08:00 talk:book:math:vectors I am not sure what is supposed to be here, but something is an improvement on nothing, perhaps. so here are some criticisms: “”“” Joel Shapiro Responses by TD: playground is locked down for security reasons;have changed $\vec a$ to $\vec w$, but $\vec a_x$ is used in engineering to denote $x$ basis vector;OK;Yes! All calculus texts use subscripts to denote partial derivatives!